Tucson has been established for over 12000 years. Tucson's birthday is celebrated on August 20th considered to be settled in 1775. It is one of the Mega- Trend cities of the 21st Century: the Optics Valley, premier health services centre for the Southwest, ate astronomy centre of the world, home of a premier research institution – University of Arizona, and a tourism destination, which on eof the most visited in US. Tucson is known as one of the oldest cities in the country. Originally it has been an Indian village called Stook- zone, which means water at the foot of black mountain.
What is good about Tucson is that it boasts the best of both worlds- the progress and innovation of a metropolitan community and the friendly, caring atmosphere of a small town. Tucson's rich heritage stand for a unique blend of Native American, Spanish, Mexican and Anglo- American influences.
It is a must if you travel US, Arizona to visit Tucson the second largest city and if you need a proper accommodation you always can check the
Tucson hotels out for rooms.